by susanntotalrecallbusiness | Oct 7, 2022 | Blog
There was either cold calling or cold visiting – pick up the phone and call 70 companies, hope to speak to the right person or cold canvassing, knocking on business doors and trying to speak to the right person face to face…. all very uncomfortable for the business owner or Sales Professional who wants to increase the number of customers he/she has…
Prospect Manager is a special tool to help get you and your team started. You tell us who, what, where, and when and we will identify the companies and most importantly the people who are decision makers. We will qualify that they still work in the business, and that they work on site and not from home or overseas….
We send then an explainer video telling them that you will be calling in with information and a personal gift…. the take up as been amazing…
Click on this to have a look…..
We have designed the complete prospecting tool for sizes and types of businesses…. it is especially effective if you are selling products….. Call Susann or Trevor on 07901876139 for more information and to book your consultation.
by susanntotalrecallbusiness | Jul 27, 2022 | Blog
Some clients like to have the calls recorded and there is plenty of software out there….
A few telemarketers don’t like having their calls recorded, there is that feeling that they are “ checking up on me “ but I have found that clients don’t have the time to listen to every call…but they will listen to the ones where meetings have been made… and if there is a long conversation… and all they want to do is help the telemarketer and maybe identify where something might have been missed when notes were being taken… how do you feel about being recorded ? Does it make you feel uncomfortable, do you feel like you are being watched ?
Would you prefer just to write really good notes ? Do you think you should charge your customer more if they want there calls recorded…
by susanntotalrecallbusiness | Jun 14, 2022 | Blog
If you are telemarketing for your own business – my first question would be ” why are you doing it yourself ! employ a professional !! ” If you insist that you want to do it … little and often is much better than doing a whole day and then never picking it up again for a month.
It is much much better to settle down for a couple hours with a pen, a pad, a phone and a glass of water and make thirty calls every day for the next six months. You will get results. To make telemarketing work you need to be focussed on making those calls. You might say that you are not very good at it or you dont like doing it, but practice makes perfect and you will get better. There are loads of telemarketers on Linkedin who are posting videos with some great information as to how to overcome objections…
Hope this helps you
by susanntotalrecallbusiness | May 29, 2022 | Blog
The legal requirements, exporting, recruiting staff, different languages, cultural behaviors, and differences are all challenges that need to be overcome…. but before any of this, the very first question you should be asking your self is …. how will I get my customers?
The obvious answers will be networking, social media such as Linkedin, trade shows, and contacting the people you want to do business with – face to face…… virtually or by phone.
So, linking to people on social media, like Twitter or Linkedin is straight forward. If people post in their own languages, the platform will translate the post for you into any language you wish….
But, picking up the phone yourself and calling them to introduce yourself and your company is a different proposition. What if they do not speak my language and I cannot make myself understood? what about time zones? how do people in different countries want to be addressed…? Do I use first names, or should I be more formal?
Telemarketing overseas is easier than it used to be….so here are a few tips and ideas to help you get started.
- Check with your phone provider regarding overseas calls and the costs.
- Have a World Clock open on your device so you can see what time it is in Nova Scotia or where it is you are calling……
- Most large companies in Europe use English when doing business. If they are having a meeting with people from other countries, mostly they use English as a common language as often English is taught at school.
- It is a polite thing to do to learn the phrase “do you speak English “in +a say half a dozen different languages.
- When speaking to a decision maker for the first time, it is worth playing safe and addressing them as Mr. or Ms. and then ask if you can call them by their first name….
- The larger companies will have language choices when you call. Press 1 for German Press 2 for English that sort of thing.
It will not be the same everywhere, but in my experience of making overseas telemarketing calls, it is a lot less daunting than people think it is. So, get yourself a list of companies, a brief introduction script, pick up the phone and start making some over seas calls
Good luck and Auf Weidersehen !!
by thaabit | Sep 1, 2017 | Blog
When you ask a company about telemarketing …..the reply is often ” we tried and it didn’t work ! ” OK….so the next question is how long did you try it for ? It is a long term approach to your marketing and is definitely not a quick fix. Sure you might get lucky and pick up the odd one or two deals, but for it to really be successful you need to give it time and persevere.
How long ? at least a year……You are trying to market your company and your brand, probably to people who have never heard of your your company and it is an investment in time and money. But, once you have got the ball rolling and started nurturing some good contacts and leads it will be best your ever did.
Trust me I am a telemarketer !
by thaabit | Apr 6, 2017 | Blog
So you have exhibited at a show or you have been to a business show? Hopefully, it went well and you and your staff were rushed off your feet. If you think it did go well there should have been a few things that should have happened.
- You had some great conversations with decision-makers who are interested in buying from you and your company
- You have collected lots of business cards from people who are interested or want to find out more
- You have collected business cards from influencers or other members of staff who will need to report back to their boss
- You have collected business cards from people who would like to sell them to you
So what have you done with all those cards and useful contacts? Have you loaded them onto a spreadsheet or put them onto your CRM system?
Have you called all your leads within a week of the show finishing?
If you have answered “no not yet ” then the show you exhibited at have visited might have been an expensive waste of time and money. People have short memories so get on the phone with all your new contacts and arrange some meetings before they forget all about you or even worse they have bought from one of your competitors.
If you need someone else to do it for you visit