What Sort of Person makes a Good Telemarketer

What Sort of Person makes a Good Telemarketer

Effective telemarketers typically possess a combination of skills, personality traits, and communication abilities. Here are some qualities that make a person well-suited for a telemarketing role:

1.Excellent Communication Skills: A good telemarketer should be able to articulate ideas clearly, listen actively, and adapt their communication style to the needs of the customer.

2. Confidence: Confidence in one’s abilities helps in handling rejection and navigating challenging conversations with potential customers.

3. Persistence Rejections are common in telemarketing. A successful telemarketer doesn’t get discouraged easily and remains persistent in achieving their goals.

4. Empathy Understanding and empathizing with the customer’s needs can help build rapport and establish a connection, increasing the chances of a successful sale.

5. Adaptability: Markets and customer needs can change, and a good telemarketer should be able to adapt to new situations, products, or services quickly.

6. Product Knowledge: An understanding of the product or service is crucial, but you dont need to know it all. If your prospect starts to ask in depth questions, then that is the time to close a meeting.

7. Time Management:Telemarketers often work with quotas and targets. Effective time management skills help in reaching out to a larger number of potential customers within the allotted time.

8. Resilience: Dealing with rejection and occasionally difficult customers requires a resilient attitude. The ability to bounce back from setbacks is important in this role.

9. Positive Attitude: A positive and enthusiastic demeanor can be contagious. It can also help create a positive impression on the potential customer, making them more receptive to the telemarketer’s pitch.

10. Honesty and Integrity:Trust is essential in sales. A telemarketer who is honest and operates with integrity is more likely to build trust with potential customers.

11. Good Problem-Solving Skills: Sometimes, customers may have concerns or objections. A telemarketer with good problem-solving skills can address these issues effectively.


How to make a Telemarketing Cold Call

How to make a Telemarketing Cold Call

Telemarketing ?…..Making a cold call can be daunting, but with the right preparation and approach, it can become a lot more manageable and productive. Here’s my step-by-step guide to help you make an effective cold call:

  1. Research and Prepare:
    • Identify the Right Prospect: Before you start telemaketing, make sure you are targeting someone who might actually be interested in your product or service.
    • Know Your Product/Service: Be clear about the value you’re offering.
    • Prepare a Script: While you don’t want to sound robotic, having a script can guide the conversation and ensure you touch on key points.
    • Anticipate Objections: Think about common concerns or objections and prepare responses.
    • Quick note on this: Researching is important, but dont spend too much time on it. It’s easy to get carried away and you find you dont make enough calls.
  2. Get in the Right Mindset:
    • Stay Positive: Rejections are a part of cold calling. Don’t let one ‘no’ bring you down. If a call does not go well… its not personal, get in the habit of say NEXT to yourself and move on
    • Practice Active Listening: It’s important to understand the needs and concerns of the potential client.
    • Stay Calm: It’s natural to be nervous, especially at the start. Deep breaths can help.
  3. Make the Call:
    • Introduction: Start with a polite greeting, introducing yourself and your company.
    • State the Purpose: Be clear about why you’re calling, e.g., “I’m reaching out to discuss an opportunity that might benefit your operations.”
    • Engage: Ask open-ended questions while you are telemarketing to understand the prospect’s needs, concerns, and current situation.
    • Offer Value: Highlight how your product/service can solve their problem or enhance their business.
    • Handle Objections: Use the objections as opportunities to provide more information or clarify misunderstandings. Dont get into arguments.
    • Close or Move Forward: Depending on how the conversation goes, aim to either close the sale or schedule a follow-up call/meeting.
  4. After the Call:
    • Take Notes: Document the outcome of the call, any feedback, and the next steps.
    • Follow Up: If you promised to send information or schedule another call, ensure you do it promptly.
    • Evaluate: Reflect on what went well and areas for improvement.
  5. Additional Tips:
    • Timing Matters: Telemarketing calls during the mid-morning or mid-afternoon may have better results. Mondays can be busy, and Fridays people might be winding down for the weekend.
    • Stay Organized: Using CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software can help you track interactions and follow-ups.
    • Personalize Your Approach: While you might be using a script or general approach, try to tailor your Telemarketing based on the individual or company you’re calling.
    • Practice Makes Perfect: The more Telemarketing calls you make, the more comfortable and effective you will become.

Remember, the goal of a cold call isn’t always to make an immediate sale. It could be to introduce your company, understand potential client needs, or set up a more detailed discussion at a later date. Be patient and persistent.

One question often asked is ” how many calls do I need to make ? ”  From my experience, try and do 10 calls an hour. That number includes no answers and out of the office. The rule of thumb is for every one hundred calls you will speak to 10 decision makers and out of that you will get one  opportunity to pitch your product or service. You wont make a sale with every body that you speak to… so as well as selling you are trying to build up a good pipeline of people who are not interested now, but may be interested another time.

To wrap up,  telemarketing should only be one of your tools to generate leads and win new business. However,  it is can instant tool, that can, if you do it well ( takes a bit of practice ) will bring you quicker results that if you rely purely on social media and emails. Good luck wth your calls and if you need any help  drop me a line on the enquiry form … www.totalrecallbusiness.co.uk

Making a cold call can be daunting, but with the right preparation and approach, it can become a lot more manageable and productive. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make an effective cold call:

  1. Research and Prepare:
    • Identify the Right Prospect: Make sure you are targeting someone who might actually be interested in your product or service.
    • Know Your Product/Service: Be clear about the value you’re offering.
    • Prepare a Script: While you don’t want to sound robotic, having a script can guide the conversation and ensure you touch on key points.
    • Anticipate Objections: Think about common concerns or objections and prepare responses.
  2. Get in the Right Mindset:
    • Stay Positive: Rejections are a part of cold calling. Don’t let one ‘no’ bring you down.
    • Practice Active Listening: It’s important to understand the needs and concerns of the potential client.
    • Stay Calm: It’s natural to be nervous, especially at the start. Deep breaths can help.
  3. Make the Call:
    • Introduction: Start with a polite greeting, introducing yourself and your company.
    • State the Purpose: Be clear about why you’re calling, e.g., “I’m reaching out to discuss an opportunity that might benefit your operations.”
    • Engage: Ask open-ended questions to understand the prospect’s needs, concerns, and current situation.
    • Offer Value: Highlight how your product/service can solve their problem or enhance their business.
    • Handle Objections: Use the objections as opportunities to provide more information or clarify misunderstandings.
    • Close or Move Forward: Depending on how the conversation goes, aim to either close the sale or schedule a follow-up call/meeting.
  4. After the Call:
    • Take Notes: Document the outcome of the call, any feedback, and the next steps.
    • Follow Up: If you promised to send information or schedule another call, ensure you do it promptly.
    • Evaluate: Reflect on what went well and areas for improvement.
  5. Additional Tips:
    • Timing Matters: Calls during the mid-morning or mid-afternoon tend to have better results. Mondays can be busy, and Fridays people might be winding down for the weekend.
    • Stay Organized: Using CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software can help you track interactions and follow-ups.
    • Personalize Your Approach: While you might be using a script or general approach, try to tailor your call based on the individual or company you’re calling.
    • Practice Makes Perfect: The more calls you make, the more comfortable and effective you will become.

Remember, the goal of a cold call isn’t always to make an immediate sale. It could be to introduce your company, understand potential client needs, or set up a more detailed discussion at a later date. Be patient and persistent.



Business Exhibitions  – 14 Top Tips to get most out of them and get some great leads

Business Exhibitions – 14 Top Tips to get most out of them and get some great leads

Getting organized for  Business Exhibitions  is crucial to make the most of your time and opportunities. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you prepare effectively:

1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve from the event. Are you looking for potential clients, partners, investors, knowledge, or networking? Having clear goals will guide your actions and interactions.

2. Research the Event: Understand the event’s agenda, speakers, exhibitors, and attendees. This knowledge will help you tailor your approach and identify key people you want to connect with.

3. Plan Your Schedule: Review the event schedule and plan which sessions, workshops, and networking sessions you want to attend. Create a personalized agenda to ensure you don’t miss out on important activities.

4. Prepare Your Materials: Bring enough business cards, brochures, or other promotional materials you might need. Make sure your branding is consistent across all materials.

5. Practice Your Elevator Pitch: Craft a succinct and engaging elevator pitch that describes who you are and what your business does. This will help you introduce yourself confidently to others.

6. Dress Appropriately: Choose attire that aligns with the event’s dress code and your industry. Dressing professionally can leave a positive impression on others.

7. Bring Essentials: Pack essentials such as a notepad, pens, chargers, power banks, and any devices you need. Make sure you have everything to take notes and stay connected.

8. Use Technology: Consider using event apps or social media platforms to connect with other attendees, get updates, and access resources. Engaging on social media can also help you establish pre-event connections.

9. Set Up Appointments: If there are specific people you want to meet, try to schedule appointments in advance. This ensures you have dedicated time to discuss matters in depth.

10. Networking Strategy: Approach networking with a strategy. Don’t just collect business cards; aim to build meaningful connections. Listen actively, ask questions, and show genuine interest in others.

11. Manage Your Time: Allocate time for each session or activity and stick to your schedule. Time management is essential to make the most of the event.

12. Take Notes: Jot down key takeaways from sessions, conversations, and interactions. This will help you remember important details later.

13. Follow Up: After the event, send follow-up emails to people you connected with. Reference the event and any discussions you had, and express your interest in continuing the conversation.

14. Reflect and Learn: Take time to reflect on what went well and what could be improved for your next event. Learning from each experience will help you become more efficient at future events.

Remember that business events are not just about what you can gain, but also about what you can contribute. Share your knowledge, expertise, and insights to build a strong professional network.

What Sort of Person makes a Good Telemarketer

How to choose the right Telemarketing Agency for your Lead Gen Campaign

Choosing a telemarketing agency can be a challenging task, as there are many factors to consider. Here are some steps you can take to help you choose the right telemarketing agency for your needs:

  1. Define your goals: Before choosing a telemarketing agency, you should define your goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve with your telemarketing campaign? Do you want to generate leads, increase sales, or promote your brand? Understanding your goals will help you choose an agency that can deliver the results you want.
  2. Research agencies: Once you know your goals, you can start researching telemarketing agencies. Look for agencies that have experience in your industry, and check their references and reviews. You can also check their websites, social media profiles, and online directories to get a better idea of their services and reputation.
  3. Assess their expertise: Not all telemarketing agencies are created equal. Some specialize in outbound calling, while others focus on inbound calls or lead generation. Make sure the agency you choose has the expertise you need to achieve your goals.
  4. Check their technology and infrastructure: Telemarketing agencies rely on technology and infrastructure to manage and execute their campaigns. Make sure the agency you choose has modern equipment and software to ensure smooth and efficient communication with your prospects.
  5. Evaluate their team: The telemarketing agency you choose should have a team of experienced and trained professionals who can represent your brand effectively. Ask about their hiring and training processes, and make sure they have a solid understanding of your industry and products or services.
  6. Determine their pricing: Finally, you should consider the cost of the telemarketing agency’s services. Ask for a detailed pricing structure and make sure you understand all the fees and charges involved. Compare the costs of different agencies and choose the one that offers the best value for your money.

By following these steps, you can find a telemarketing agency that meets your needs and helps you achieve your goals.

Cold Telephone Calls or Cold Face to Face Visits ?

Cold Telephone Calls or Cold Face to Face Visits ?

Most people hate the idea of picking up the phone and hoping to get through to a complete stranger. It is daunting, and after making a few calls without much success, most people will give up. Picking up the phone is an instant way to get through to the people you want to work with. When you you get through to them, you will find out straight away whether they are interested in what you have to offer or not.

If you sell products, like office supplies, nuts and bolts, industrial consumables etc…  you could go and cold canvass them.

Again another tradtional way of generating leads…for instance –  if you sell office supplies and  your customer is on an industrial estate, arrange to go and see your customer and then go and “drop in ” to other companies on the same estate, see if you can speak to a potential contact, leave them with some information and then follow with an email or a call when you get back to the office,

I have done this before with mixed results…. often receptions no longer have any one sitting at the desks or even worse the front doors are locked and you have to ring a bell and hope some one answers. You get told to leave your information on the step or post it through the letter box and they will “pass it on the to the relevant person” … often you get back to the office with a few hastily scribbled notes, some compliment slips, business cards and a feeling of not having achieved very much,

But, with some proper organisation, you can turn a miserable cold canvassing day, into a happy warm calling day, where you have a much better chance of meeting decision makers, you know who you are going to see, where they are based, what they do, their linkedin address, email address and if it is done properly, they will come out of thier offices or off the shop floor to come and see you in reception because you have something for them….

You can do this yourself, but what would it be like if some did this for you… you go off in the mornng to go and see a handful of great companes, who have been researched and verified, that have been sent an explainer video letting thm know who you are and why you dropping in to see them… All the research has been done for you, you just spread your  sales message and then do the follow up calls and visits….and start building your lead pipline… and get those sales on.

Visit the Prospect Manager page on this website and find out how it is all done